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This page aims to list the actual jobs in magnetic resonance (last updated on 02.02.2025).
If you have an open PhD/PostDoc/other position in your lab, please forward it to jobs@ampere-society.org, and it will be posted here.
Please let us know if the posted position is no longer available.

PhD positions

PhD position in molecular modeling of intrinsically disordered proteins constrained by EPR, cross-linking and NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Maxim Yulikov
Institution: ETH Zurich
City, country: Zurich, Switzerland
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Maxim Yulikov (myulikov@ethz.ch) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in nuclear spin relaxation of novel hyperpolarized with dDNP tracer
Supervisor: Dr. Andrey Pravdivtsev
Institution: Kiel University
City, country: Kiel, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Andrey Pravdivtsev (andrey.pravdivtsev(at)rad.uni-kiel.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position (NMR)
Supervisor: Prof. Alexander Barnes
Institution: ETH Zürich
City, country: Zürich, Switzerland
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Alexander Barnes (abarnes@ethz.ch) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Pamela Ornelas
Institution: International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics
City, country: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: 07.02.2025

PhD studentship on energy materials(NMR)
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael A. Hope
Institution: University of Warwick
City, country: Warwick, UK
Duration: 3.5 years
Information: Link
Deadline: 01.04.2025

PhD position in benchtop-NMR based metabolomics
Supervisor: Dr. José Luis Izquierdo
Institution: Pluridisciplinary Institute of Complutense University of Madrid
City, country: Madrid, Spain
Duration: 4 years
Information: Get directly in touch with José Luis Izquierdo (jlizquierdo@ucm.es) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD Position in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry
Supervisor: Dr. Marc Fleury
Institution: IFP Energies Nouvelles
City, country: Rueil-Malmaison Cedex France
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Marc Fleury (marc.fleury@ifpen.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD Position in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin
Institution: Leipzig University
City, country: Leipzig, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin (valiullin@uni-leipzig.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

DPhil focused on combining multi-scale imaging data (CT/MRI) to understand and predict changes in lung structure and function in a number of common lung diseases
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Bartek Papiez
Institution: University of Oxford
City, country: Oxford, UK
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

DPhil in Medical Sciences focusing on improving MRI perfusion and hyperpolarized carbon-13 using advanced hardware, acquisition and reconstruction approaches
Supervisor: Dr. James Grist
Institution: University of Oxford
City, country: Oxford, UK
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

DPhil in Medical Sciences focusing on MRI and neuropathology in Multiple Sclerosis
Supervisor: Dr. James Grist
Institution: University of Oxford
City, country: Oxford, UK
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

DPhil in Medical Sciences focused on 7T phosphorus spectroscopy in the heart
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ladislav Valkovic
Institution: University of Oxford
City, country: Oxford, UK
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

DPhil in Medical Sciences focused on hyperpolarized carbon-13 MRI in the heart
Supervisor: Prof. Damian Tyler
Institution: University of Oxford
City, country: Oxford, UK
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in deuterium metabolic imaging
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kevin Brindle and Prof. Dr. Franz Schilling
Institution: University of Munich
City, country: Munich, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in Hyperpolarized MRI
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jan-Bernd Hövener
Institution: Kiel University
City, country: Kiel, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Dr. Jan-Bernd Hövener (jan.hoevener@rad.uni-kiel.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in biomolecular solid-state NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Kai Xue
Institution: Nanyang Technological University
City, country: Singapore
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Kai Xue (kai.xue@ntu.edu.sg) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD in computational NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Albert A. Smith-Penzel
Institution: Leipzig University
City, country: Leipzig, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Albert A. Smith-Penzel (albert.smith-penzel@medizin.uni-leipzig.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in biophysics / spectroscopy of membrane proteins (EPR)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph
Institution: Freie Universität Berlin
City, country: Berlin, Germany
Duration: 3 years
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD Position (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Sigrid Milles
Institution: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
City, country: Berlin, Germany
Duration: 3 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Sigrid Milles (milles@fmp-berlin.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Supervisor: Dr. Martin Blackledge
Institution: Insititut de Biologie Structurale
City, country: Grenoble, France
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Martin Blackledge (martin.blackledge@ibs.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in nanoscale solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bucher
Institution: Technische Universität München
City, country: München, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in solid-state NMR
Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Wiegand
Institution: Aachen University
City, country: Aachen, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Thomas Wiegand (thomas.wiegand@cec.mpg.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in the Development of advanced NMR methods using optimal control and artificial intelligence
Supervisor: RNDr. Zdeněk Tošner, Ph.D.
Institution: Charles University
City, country: Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD Opportunity: in-cell NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Enrico Luchinat
Institution: University of Florence
City, country: Florence, Italy
Duration: 3 years
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

PhD position in the field of light-induced effects in biological NMR/MRI
Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Matysik
Institution: University of Leipzig
City, country: Leipzig, Germany
Duration: 3 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Jörg Matysik (joerg.matysik@uni-leipzig.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Applications will be considered as they are received until the position is filled.

PostDoc positions

Postdoctoral research position (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Malene R. Jensen
Institution: Institute for Structural Biology
City, country: Grenoble, France
Duration: 2 years with a possible extension of up to 4 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Malene R. Jensen (malene.jensen@ibs.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: available immediately

Postdoctoral research position (NMR)
Supervisor: Prof. Clifford Russell Bowers
Institution: University of Florida & National High Magnetic Field Lab
City, country: Gainesville, Florida, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Rob Tycko (robertty@mail.nih.gov) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral research positions (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Rob Tycko
Institution: National Institutes of Health
City, country: Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Rob Tycko (robertty@mail.nih.gov) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral study of a protein machinery involved in bacterial nutrient acquisition (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Institution: Institut Pasteur
City, country: Paris, France
Duration: 2 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre (nadia.izadi@pasteur.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: starting date can be between May and September 2025

Postdoctoral study of a protein machinery involved in bacterial nutrient acquisition (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Institution: Institut Pasteur
City, country: Paris, France
Duration: 2 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Alexej Jerschow (nadia.izadi@pasteur.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: starting date can be between May and September 2025

Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellowship (NMR)
Supervisor: Dr. Alexej Jerschow
Institution: New York University
City, country: New York, NY, USA
Duration: 6 to 24 months
Information: Get directly in touch with Alexej Jerschow (alexej.jerschow@nyu.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Position in NMR methods/Multidomain Enzymes
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dominique Frueh
Institution: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
City, country: Baltimore, MD, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dominique Frueh (dfrueh1@jhmi.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Position in Developing AI tools for Biomolecular NMR and Structural Biology
Supervisor: Prof. Vladislav Y. Orekhov
Institution: University of Gothenburg
City, country: Gothenburg, Sweden
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Vladislav Orekhov (vladislav.orekhov@nmr.gu.se) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Post-doctoral position in DNP-enhanced NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Sabine Hediger and Dr. Gaël De Paëpe
Institution: Univ. Grenoble Alpes
City, country: Grenoble, France
Duration: 18 months
Information: Get directly in touch with Sabine Hediger (sabine.hediger@cea.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Position in NMR studies of T cell receptor antigen recognition
Supervisor: Nikolaos G. Sgourakis, Ph.D.
Institution: University of Gothenburg
City, country: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Nikolaos Sgourakis (nikolaos.sgourakis@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Position in Developing AI tools for Biomolecular NMR and Structural Biology
Supervisor: Prof. Vladislav Y. Orekhov
Institution: University of Gothenburg
City, country: Gothenburg, Sweden
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Vladislav Orekhov (vladislav.orekhov@nmr.gu.se) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: 31.03.2025

Postdoc position in diffusion MRI
Supervisor: Dr. Dan Benjamini
Institution: National Institute on Aging
City, country: Bethesda, MD, USA
Duration: 3 + 2 years extendable
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Dan Benjamini (dan.benjamini@nih.gov) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position to study RNA splicing by NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Nasrollah Rezaie Ghaleh
Institution: University of Pavia
City, country: Pavia, Italy
Duration: 2 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Nasrollah Rezaie Ghaleh (nasrollah.rezaieghaleh@unipv.it) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Immediately available

Postdoctoral Research Associate position focused on the structure and function of membrane protein insertases encoded by human dental pathogens
Supervisor: Dr. Benjamin James Wylie
Institution: Texas Tech University
City, country: Lubbock, TX, USA
Duration: 1 year, with the possibility of extension
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position (MRI)
Supervisor: Dr. Dan Benjamini
Institution: National Institute on Aging
City, country: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Duration: 3-5 years
Information: Link
Deadline: 01.03.2025

Postdoc in NMR & cryoEM of membrane complexes
Supervisor: Dr. Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Institution: Institut Pasteur
City, country: Paris, France
Duration: 2 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre (nadia.izadi@pasteur.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position in Structural Biology/Protein NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Ahmed Bouhss
Institution: Université Paris-Saclay
City, country: Paris, France
Duration: 2 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Ahmed Bouhss (ahmed.bouhss@univ-evry.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Aspects of NMR
Supervisor: Prof. Woonghee Lee
Institution: University of Colorado Denver
City, country: Denver, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Woonghee Lee (woonghee.lee@ucdenver.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc in biomass NMR
Supervisor: CR Luminita Duma
Institution: Reims Institute of Molecular Chemistry
City, country: Reims, France
Duration: 1.5 years
Information: Get directly in touch with CR Luminita Duma (luminita.duma@univ-reims.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Associate in Hyperpolarized MRI
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jan-Bernd Hövener
Institution: Kiel University
City, country: Kiel, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Dr. Jan-Bernd Hövener (jan.hoevener@rad.uni-kiel.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Associate in the investigation of biomolecular condensates (NMR)
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dylan Murray
Institution: University of Connecticut
City, country: Storrs, CT‎, USA
Duration: 1 year
Information: Get directly in touch with Assist. Prof. Dylan Murray (dylan.murray@uconn.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc in computational NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Albert A. Smith-Penzel
Institution: Leipzig University
City, country: Leipzig, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Albert A. Smith-Penzel (albert.smith-penzel@medizin.uni-leipzig.de) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Positions (NMR, EPR, DNP, ODMR)
Supervisor: Prof. Chandrasekhar Ramanathan
Institution: Dartmouth College
City, country: Hanover, NH USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Chandrasekhar Ramanathan (Chandrasekhar.Ramanathan@dartmouth.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Positions (NMR)
Supervisor: Prof. Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy
Institution: Florida State University, MagLab
City, country: Tallahassee, FL USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (aramamoorthy@fsu.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position in biophysics / spectroscopy of membrane proteins (EPR)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph
Institution: Freie Universität Berlin
City, country: Berlin, Germany
Duration: 3 years
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position in Hyperpolarization transport
Supervisor: Prof. Sami Jannin
Institution: Lyon University
City, country: Lyon, France
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Sami Jannin (sami.jannin@univ-lyon1.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Giraud
Institution: Université Paris Cité
City, country: Paris, France
Duration: 1.5 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Nicolas Giraud (nicolas.giraud@u-paris.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position in protein structure calculation in solution
Supervisor: Prof Mike P Williamson
Institution: University of Sheffield
City, country: Sheffield, UK
Duration: 3 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof Mike P Williamson (m.williamson@sheffield.ac.uk) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Position in NMR/Materials Science for Advanced Batteries for Space Technology
Supervisor: Prof. Steven Greenbaum
Institution: Hunter College of CUNY
City, country: New York, NY, USA
Duration: 1 year
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Steven Greenbaum (steve.greenbaum@hunter.cuny.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: ESR / NMR /Hyperpolarization
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Claudia E. Avalos
Institution: New York University
City, country: New York, NY, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Asst. Prof. Claudia E. Avalos (Claudia.avalos@nyu.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Post-doctoral position in DNP MAS NMR of pharmaceuticals
Supervisor: Dr. Judith Schlagnitweit
Institution: CRMN Lyon
City, country: Lyon, France
Duration: 1 year
Information: Get directly in touch with Gabriele Stevanato (judith.schlagnitweit@ens-lyon.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position in nanoscale solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bucher
Institution: Technische Universität München
City, country: München, Germany
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc in hyperpolarized NMR
Supervisor: Dr. Gabriele Stevanato
Institution: University of Padova
City, country: Padova, Italy
Duration: 2 years
Information: Get directly in touch with Gabriele Stevanato (gabriele.stevanato@unipd.it) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc with a background in NMR spectroscopy and knowledge of protein biochemical techniques
Supervisor: Prof. Ansgar Siemer
Institution: University of Southern California
City, country: Los Angeles, LA, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Ansgar Siemer (asiemer@usc.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoc position in the Development of advanced NMR methods using optimal control and artificial intelligence
Supervisor: RNDr. Zdeněk Tošner, Ph.D.
Institution: Charles University
City, country: Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral position: Biophysical studies of membrane protein complexes
Supervisor: Dr. Lynmarie Thompson
Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst
City, country: Amherst, MA, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Lynmarie Thompson (thompson@chem.umass.edu) or N. Giraud (nicolas.giraud@u-paris.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in NMR
Supervisor: Prof. R. Scott Prosser
Institution: University of Toronto
City, country: Mississauga, Canada
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Applications will be considered as they are received until the position is filled.

Postdoc position in NMR studies of biomolecular condensates
Supervisor: Prof. Huan-Xiang Zhou
Institution: University of Illinois
City, country: Chicago, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Huan-Xiang Zhou (hzhou43@uic.edu) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Applications will be considered as they are received until the position is filled.

Other positions

Assistant Professor/Project Researcher position on spintronics devices
Institution: Tohoku University
City, country: Tohoku, Japan
Duration: 2 years
Information: Link
Deadline: 07.03.2025

Cheminformatics Developer (NMR)
Institution: AI|ffinity s.r.o
City, country: Brno, Czech Republic
Duration: Hybrid or remote, full-time position (FTE 1.0) with a flexible working schedule
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

Structural Bioinformatics-NMR Software Developer
Institution: AI|ffinity s.r.o
City, country: Brno, Czech Republic
Duration: Hybrid or remote, full-time position (FTE 1.0) with a flexible working schedule
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

Assistant Professor Position In Biochemistry (NMR)
Institution: Amiens at the University of Picardie Jules Verne
City, country: Amiens, France
Duration: Permanent
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. Nicola D'Amelio (nicola.damelio@u-picardie.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Apply from March 4 to April 4 2025

Junior group leader position (NMR)
Institution: Institut Pasteur & CNRS
City, country: Paris Cedex, France
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with PhD Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre (nadia.izadi@pasteur.fr) for application use this Link
Deadline: 28.02.2025

Research Scientist | NMR Unit
Institution: IRBM S.p.A.
City, country: Rome, Italy
Duration: 2 years
Information: Link
Deadline: Not indicated

NMR spectroscopist
Institution: Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology
City, country: Illkirch, France
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Pr Bruno KIEFFER (kieffer@igbmc.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Facility position in biomolecular solid-state NMR
Institution: Nanyang Technological University
City, country: Singapore
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Kai Xue (kai.xue@ntu.edu.sg) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Senior Research Scholar / NMR Facility Manager position
Institution: NC State University
City, country: Raleigh, NC, USA
Duration: 1 year
Information: Link
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Junior Research Fellow (NMR,ODMR)
Institution: TATA Institute of Fundamental Research 
City, country: Mumbai, India
Duration: 1 year
Information: Get directly in touch with Prof. P.K. Madhu (madhu@tifrh.res.in) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

Research Engineer in DNP MAS NMR
Institution: CRMN Lyon 
City, country: Lyon, France
Duration: Fixed-term contract for 2 years, after which it is expected to transition into a permanent position
Information: Get directly in touch with Anne Lesage (anne.lesage@ens-lyon.fr) or Guido Pintacuda (guido.pintacuda@ens-lyon.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Open until filled

NMR Facility Manager position
Institution: The City University of New York 
City, country: New York, NY, USA
Duration: Not indicated
Information: Link
Deadline: Open until filled

NMR Research Engineer
Institution: Université Evry-Val-d'Essonne 
City, country: Paris, France
Duration: 1-year employment contract with the prospect of an indefinite contract
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Emilie Steiner (emilie.steiner@univ-evry.fr) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Not indicated

NMR Applications Scientist
Institution: Foqus Technologies 
City, country: Toronto, Canada
Duration: Not indicated
Information: If this position sounds interesting to you, please reach out and submit your application directly to sadegh.raeisi@foqus.ca and janet.chen@foqus.technology
Deadline: Applications will be considered as they are received until the position is filled

One-year research fellowship: “Monitoring enzymatic reactions and biological processes by time-resolved nuclear magnetic resonance”
Institution: University of Florence
City, country: Florence, Italy
Duration: 1 year
Information: Get directly in touch with Dr. Enrico Luchinat (eluchinat@cerm.unifi.it) for further details on the position and application
Deadline: Applications will be considered as they are received until the position is filled