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Equipment exchange for EPR/NMR scientists (last updated on 15.12.2024)

If you would like to donate EPR/NMR equipment/parts or need used equipment/parts, please forward the information to contact@ampere-society.org, and it will be posted here. Let us know if the posted data is no longer relevant.
Please also see Equip Sent for donating equipment to low-income countries.

Equipment (Available)

Please provide a short description, contact details (e-mail), Institution, City, Country

Equipment (Needed)

Benchtop EPR spectrometer
EMXnano or Magnettech ESR5000
Please contact: Assoc. Prof. Dariya Savchenko (dariyasavchenko@gmail.com), Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

EPR/NMR parts, electronics, and hardware

Bruker consoles (available)
Short description: two Bruker consoles (Avance I 300 and Avance I 400) to give away
Contact details: Dr. Daniel Friedrich (daniel.friedrich@uni-koeln.de), University of Cologne, Germany

Bruker surface coil, MRI (needed)
Short description: Bruker surface coil (broken, or one that is about to be thrown away), it doesn’t matter the nuclei, the size of diameter, it’s just to recover the cables from this coil and tuning and matching rods
Contact details: Ph.D. Julie Magat (julie.magat@ihu-liryc.fr), Universite de Bordeaux, France

Pulsed TWT amplifier (needed)
Short description: High power pulsed amplifier for pulse X-band EPR spectrometer
Contact details: Ph.D. Wern (wern.ng@imperial.ac.uk), University of California Berkeley, CA, USA

NMR parts (available)
Short description: Bruker widebore shim sets, upper stacks and widebore and narrow bore adapters as well as TMC/Ametek pneumatic legs, a honeycomb aluminum table, three STACIS active vibration damping isolators and matching control unit. Other available equipment includes Bruker 7 mm double and triple-resonance CPMAS top-loading probes with variable-temperature capability and a full set of accessories (e.g. rotors and endcaps)
Contact details: Ph.D. Kenneth W. Fishbein (Kf31x@nih.gov), National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA

NMR 400 MHz 105 mm Vertical Magnet Available
Short description: The magnet is old and unshielded but is in perfect working condition and incorporates a full set of first and second-order superconducting shims. Its specified field stability is < 0.04 ppm/hr and homogeneity < 0.2 ppm FWHM (superconducting shims only) / < 0.02 ppm (fully shimmed) on a 20 mm X 20 mm sample. The 5 Gauss (0.5 mT) fringe field dimensions are +/- 3.8m axial and +/- 3 mm radial. It requires about 100 liters of LHe every five months and 60 liters of LN2 per week (LN2 hold time > 15 days). The magnet includes Magnex LHe and LN2 level meters, two superwidebore shim sets with an analog shim power supply and all charging leads. Also included are Bruker widebore shim sets, upper stacks and widebore and narrow bore adapters as well as TMC/Ametek pneumatic legs, a honeycomb aluminum table, three STACIS active vibration damping isolators and matching control unit.
Contact details: Ph.D. Kenneth W. Fishbein (Kf31x@nih.gov), National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA